The Artwork
All artwork must be an original. This year’s theme “Nature’s Gift” is a reference to the Exhibition recognising the beauty of Tasmania from its mountains to the sea. The theme should be interpreted as any structure in one’s life, family, social unit that occupies it, the environment which offers security and happiness or that valued place of refuge or origin. It can be the place you were born, lived or feel at one with. It could be real, perceived, physical, native habitat, plant or animal.
All artworks entered by the Artist must be the original work and concept of the Artist. A third party may not enter any works on behalf of an Artist. The entered work must be new (completed within the previous 24 months) and be the absolute property of the Artist.
An Artist may enter into the exhibition as many artworks as they wish, however only one can be entered into the competition. All artworks for sale must be individually identified on the entry form and include the hanging fee of $5 per artwork with all relevant support material.